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A clinician in today’s market of competing therapies needs to be well trained, flexible and attuned to their clients’ needs. For people who are seeking a short- term treatment model, mindful approaches are a useful tool for the effective negotiation of difficult thoughts, feelings and moods. For those who wish to explore themselves more deeply, a longer-term relational model can enhance the process of recognizing and changing problematic patterns in relationships and other areas of life. My practice is informed by empathic and cutting-edge psychological ideas stemming from current research in learning, knowledge and human interaction.

Looking at an individual’s personal experience in the context of their early relational environment can provide a key to a deeper understanding of how a person responds to the world. This understanding can begin to help an individual to unhinge from unnecessary constriction and build a new sense of personal freedom. By recognizing human development as continuous and very complex, we begin to reflect upon, explore, and reassemble new solutions to our individual challenges. As human motivation is nourished by our successful encounters with the world, we gain strength and solve problems when our efforts begin to fulfill our intentions. It is my belief that the honest human exchanges that occur in an empathic and emotionally responsive therapeutic environment can lead us to these new and useful adaptive outcomes.

Copyright ©2025 Dr. D. Bradley Jones. All Rights Reserved.